Delitiger Chows



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Nera femmina nato 21/8/2012
(Rendel Dhenry x Dawnanda Damion Dusc)

Delitiger Chows   Delitiger Chows   Delitiger Chows

Rendel Dhenry Ch IT Rendel Denio Ch GB Jensim Just William at Siamdel Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB Chilite Shanghai
Shiyue Shiyi Yue
Siamdel Star Struck Brosscroft Blue Christmas
Siamdel Tilly Ann
Yokohama Yum Yum Drakesdrum for Dawnanda Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB
Jowtrix Creme Catey for Delores
Eastern Star at Yokohama Tamwong Barnstormer
Abbitina Dankierash
Lacey Countess Lacilla at Rendel Chopan Chou Dawnanda the Delegate Dawnandas Dominic
Dawnanda Onuska
Dawnanda Miss Dot Com Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB
Dawnanda Onuska
By Golly Miss Molly Drakesdrum for Dawnanda Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB
Jowtrix Creme Catey for Delores
Ranjay Shamilla Mabenna Il Duce for Shanming
Tanya Jane at Ranjay
Dawnanda Damion Dusc Chopan Chou Dawnanda the Delegate Dawnandas Dominic Damascus Lad of Shardan Ch GB
Dawnanda I'm Juanita Too
Dawnanda Onuska Timyu Marhat Cheng by Melclare
Dawnanda's Chantilly Lace
Dawnanda Miss Dot Com Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB Chilite Shanghai
Shiyue Shiyi Yue
Dawnanda Onuska Timyu Marhat Cheng by Melclare
Dawnanda's Chantilly Lace
Dawnanda Donisha Dusc Drakesdrum for Dawnanda Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB Chilite Shanghai
Shiyue Shiyi Yue
Jowtrix Creme Catey for Delores Jowtrix Red Magnum Ch GB
Yama Charlie's Angel
Jensim Charlee with Dawnanda Carmalde Can Can Charlie with Dawnanda Ch GB Chilite Shanghai
Shiyue Shiyi Yue
Siamdel Star Struck Brosscroft Blue Christmas
Siamdel Tilly Ann

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Picture testa ristampato con il permesso dell'autore Denis Reverseau
Sito realizzato da J Marchetti - Chow's Who © 2013 Delitiger - Tutti i diritti riservati